We are Harmony Doodles where GoldenDoodles rule! Located on 28 beautiful acres just South of Charlotte, NC, our Doodles live the country life with room to roam and explore in the great outdoors.

There is never a dull moment here and with 11 children running around, the dogs get all the love they could ever want. Dogs have always been a part of our life, and this is our opportunity to share one of our loves with you and meet new people in the process!


We started our journey over 28 years ago. It has been adventurous to say the least. Our desire has always been to involve our children in everything we do and fortunately we have the opportunity to carry this out with Harmony Doodles.


Most people think that having 11 children is a handful. They are correct! However, most of the time they are a handful of joy. Don't misunderstand, it is a big responsibility having the lives of 11 individuals at your charge...but well worth it. As you could imagine, each of them have a different personality as well as different interest.  There is never a "normal" day around the Emmons' house, and this is how we like it. Everyday is a new adventure and something new to look forward to. Harmony Doodles has been a great opportunity for several of them to understand business on a more personal level. 

This business has allowed us to not only work with our children, but also travel with them. Dogs have always been a part of our lives as well...and what better breed for a family than a Goldendoodle! 
